corporation from Fidel castro against ebola

 Cuban leader Fidel Castro's offer cooperation with the United States in the fight against the Ebola virus, in an article published Saturday in the Granma newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party. In Germany, the German government is working on a private jet supplied with...

soon : Nigeria and Senegal no more Ebola

World Health Organization announced on Tuesday that Nigeria and Senegal may be announced Khaloheme of Ebola within days after the passage of 42 days during which he did not discover any new cases of HIV infection. In Sierra Leone in the capital, residents said that the body...

Symptoms of Ebola

      Symptoms of Ebola include Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F) Severe headache Muscle pain Weakness Diarrhea Vomiting Abdominal (stomach) pain Unexplained hemorrhage (bleeding or bruising) Symptoms may appear anywhere from 2 to 21 days after exposure...

Thousands of injuries of "Ebola" by week starting from December

World Health Organization warned of the spread of scary virus Ebola in West Africa, especially in the countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, starting from December, fearing casualties in the thousands per week, and in conjunction with the warnings raised by Britain,...

United Nations: the world is losing the battle against Ebola

A senior official at the World Health Organization said on Tuesday that the organization expects the occurrence of five thousand to ten thousand cases of Ebola virus in western Africa a week, starting from December / December next. While senior official warned the United Nations...

Ebola virus .. what it is and how we can prevent it? «1»

Friday, August 8th World Health Organization announced in Geneva that the epidemic of Ebola virus (EVD) has become an emergency situation deserves the attention of the world. This epidemic of Ebola virus is not the first epidemic of the disease of western and central...

Ebola , what are the symptoms and how to heal it?

Published "CBS News" published an article which dealt with the most important questions concerning the disease, Ebola, which exceeded the number of deaths since the beginning of his appearance until early August, 900 people in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization,...